发布时间:2023-11-07 13:55
修改时间:2023-11-15 19:29
【作者:無同 | 未经许可,请勿转载!】
select product_id,product_name,sale_price from Product where product_id not in
(select product_id from ShopProduct where shop_id='000C')
select product_name,quantity,shop_name
from Product a join ShopProduct b
on a.product_id=b.product_id and a.product_id='0003' and b.product_id='0003'
select product_name,quantity
from Product full join ShopProduct
on Product.product_id = ShopProduct.product_id
where quantity is NULL
select * from dept
select DId,DName from dept
select TId,TName,TSexy from teacher where TSexy='女'
select * from teacher where DId='CS'
select * from teacher where DId='CS' or DId='IT'
select TName,TSexy,TProf,DId from teacher where TSexy='女' and TProf='教授'
select TName,TField,TTele,DId from teacher where TField='数据库'
select TName,TBdate from teacher
where year(TBdate)>1983
select TName,TSexy,TBdate,TTele from teacher
where month(TBdate)=5
select SId from sc
where CId=1
select SId from sc
where CId=1 or CId=2
group by SId
having count(CId)>1
select CId from sc
where SId=012005002
select * from sc
where SId=012005002
select count(*)'Num' from sc
where CId=1
select round(avg(SCScore3),2)'Avg' from sc
where CId=1
select min(SCScore3)'Mask' from sc
where SId=012005002
select CId,round(avg(SCScore3),2)'Avg' from sc
where SCTerm like '2008%'
group by CId
order by avg(SCScore3) desc
select IRoom from information
where IWeek=4
select TId from information
where IWeek=4
select * from information
where IRoom='NB222'
select IRoom,TId,IWeek,ITimeseg from information
where CId=1
select IRoom,IWeek,ITimeseg from information
where TId='02004'
select IRoom,CId,TId from information
where ITimeseg like '%4%'
select TId,count(*)'Num',(45*sum(length(ITimeseg)))'Len' from information
group by TId
select GId,sum(length(ITimeseg))'Hours' from information
group by GId
order by sum(length(ITimeseg)) desc
select CId,CName from course
where DId='CS'
select CName,CHour from course
where CCredit>3
select DId,sum(CCredit)'Credit' from course
group by DId
order by sum(CCredit) desc
select * from student
where SSexy='男'
select * from student
where GId='01'
select * from student
where GId='03' and SSexy='女'
select STele from student
where SName='刘山'
select SId,SName,GId from student
where SSexy='女'
select GId,count(*)'Num' from student
group by GId
order by count(*) desc
select * from student
where (2023-year(SBdate))<18
select count(*)'Num' from student
where (2023-year(SBdate))<18
select SName,SSexy,GName,STele
from student inner join grade
on student.GId=grade.GId
where SName like '白%'
select GName,GYear from grade
where DId='CS'
select * from grade
where GYear='2008'
select SId,SName,SSexy,TIMESTAMPDIFF(year,SBdate,'2023-09-01')'Age',GName,GYear
from student inner join grade
on student.GId=grade.GId
where grade.GName like '计算机科学与技术%'
select student.SId,SName
from (sc inner join student
on sc.SId=student.SId)
inner join course
on sc.CId=course.CId
where CName='数据库'
select TName,TTele
from (grade inner join student
on grade.GId=student.GId)
inner join teacher
on grade.TId=teacher.TId
where SName='白云'
select DName,DAddr,DTele
from (grade inner join student
on grade.GId=student.GId)
inner join dept
on grade.DId=dept.DId
where SName='白云'
SELECT student.SId, SName, SUM(CCredit)'Credit'
FROM student,
WHERE student.GId = grade.GId
AND grade.DId = dept.DId
AND dept.DName = '计算机科学与技术系'
AND sc.SId = student.SId
AND SCScore >= 60
AND sc.CId = course.CId
GROUP BY student.SId,SName
SELECT course.CId,course.CName,sc.SCScore3
FROM student,sc,course
WHERE student.SName = '张飞'
AND student.SId = sc.SId
AND sc.CId = course.CId
SELECT GName, GYear, TName, TTele
FROM grade,
WHERE (dept.DName = '计算机科学与技术系' OR dept.DName = '信息科学与技术系')
AND dept.DId = grade.DId
AND grade.TId = teacher.TId
SELECT student.SId, SName, grade.GName
FROM student,
WHERE grade.GYear = 2008
AND student.GId = grade.GId
select student.SId,SName,SCScore3
from sc,student,course
where sc.SId=student.SId
and sc.CId=course.CId
and CName='数据库'
select CName,round(avg(SCScore3),2)'Avg'
from sc,course
where sc.CId=course.CId
group by CName
having avg(SCScore3)>75
select student.SId,SName,round(avg(SCScore3),2)'Avg'
from sc,student
where sc.SId=student.SId
group by sc.SId,SName
having avg(SCScore3)>80
select TName,TField,sum(length(ITimeseg))'Hours'
from teacher,information
where teacher.TId=information.TId
group by teacher.TId,TName,TField
having sum(length(ITimeseg))>5
select GName,round(avg(SCScore3),2)'Avg'
from student,grade,sc
where student.GId=grade.GId
and student.SId=sc.SId
group by GName
select SCTerm,round(avg(SCScore3),2)'Avg'
from sc,student,grade
where sc.SId=student.SId
and student.GId=grade.GId
and DId='CS'
group by SCTerm
select DName,sum(length(ITimeseg))'Hours'
from information,dept,course
where course.DId=dept.DId
and course.CId=information.CId
group by DName
select SId,SName,GName
from grade,student
where grade.GId=student.GId
and SId not in (select distinct SId from sc)
select student.SId,SName,STele
from student,sc,teacher,information
where student.SId=sc.SId
and sc.CId=information.CId
and information.TId=teacher.TId
and TName='李飞'
group by student.SId,SName,STele
select CName,CCredit
from information,course
where information.CId=course.CId
group by CName,CCredit
having sum(length(ITimeseg))>=6
select GName
from information,grade
where information.GId=grade.GId
group by GName
having sum(length(ITimeseg))>=6
select SId,SName,GName
from information,student,grade
where information.GId=student.GId
and information.GId=grade.GId
and IWeek='4'
and ITimeseg like '%3%'
group by SId,SName,GName
select GName
from grade
where GName not in
(select GName
from sc,student,grade
where sc.SId=student.SId
and student.GId=grade.GId
and SCScore3<60
group by GName)
select student.SId,SName,GName
from student,course,sc,grade
where grade.GId=student.GId
and student.SId=sc.SId
and sc.CId=course.CId
and CName='数据库'
select student.SId,SName,count(*)'Num'
from student,course,sc
where student.SId=sc.SId
and sc.CId=course.CId
and SCScore2<60
group by student.SId,SName
having count(*)>1
select GName,max(SCScore3)'Max'
from student,sc,grade
where grade.GId=student.GId
and student.SId=sc.SId
group by GName
select student.SId,SName,GName
from student,grade,information
where information.GId=student.GId
and information.GId=grade.GId
group by student.SId,SName,GName
having sum(length(ITimeseg))>=8
select IWeek,ITimeseg,IRoom,CName
from course,grade,information
where information.GId=grade.GId
and information.CId=course.CId
and GName='计算机科学与技术1班'
select TName,sum(length(ITimeseg))'Hours'
from information,teacher
where information.TId=teacher.TId
and TProf='教授'
group by TName
select GName,DName
from grade,dept
where grade.DId=dept.DId
and TId is NULL
select TName,GName
from teacher,grade
where teacher.TId=grade.TId
and TName in
(select TName
from teacher,grade
where teacher.TId=grade.TId
and TProf='讲师'
group by TName
having count(*)>2)
(SCId, SId, CId, SCTerm)
SELECT (@row_number:=@row_number+1) as SCId, student.SId, '4' as CId, '2009-2010-1' as SCTerm
FROM student,
(SELECT @row_number:=MAX(SCId) FROM sc) as a
WHERE student.GId = grade.GId
AND GName = '计算机科学与技术3班'
update student
set STele = '661010'
where SName = '李飞'
update sc
set SCScore='70'
where SCScore1>90
and SCScore<70
update grade
set TId=
(select TId
from teacher
where TName='李丽青')
where GName='电子信息1班'
delete from sc
where CId=
(select CId
from course
where CName='数据库')
delete from sc
where CId in
(select CId from
(select CId from sc
group by CId
having count(SId)<6)
as sc1
delete from teacher
where TId not in
(select TId from grade
where TId is not NULL)
and TId not in
(select TId from information
where TId is not NULL)
select cname from course
select * from students
where ssex='男'
select tname,tdept from teachers
select cname from course
where cname like 'DB\_%'
select sname,bplace from students
where (sname like '_小%'
or sname like '_晓%')
and ssex='男'
select cname'课程名称',avg(score)'平均成绩'
from (sc join students
on sc.sno=students.sno)
join course
on sc.cno=course.cno
where class='14计科1'
group by cname
select cname
from teachers,teaching,course
where teachers.tno=teaching.tno
and teaching.cno=course.cno
and tname='李琳'
select sname,cno,score
from students,sc
where students.sno=sc.sno
and score>60
and ssex='男'
select students.sno,sname,score
from students,sc,course
where students.sno=sc.sno
and course.cno=sc.cno
and cname='高等数学'
select students.sno
from students,sc
where students.sno=sc.sno
and (cno='0000008'
or cno='0000007')
group by students.sno
having count(*)>1
select cname
from students,sc,course
where students.sno=sc.sno
and sc.cno=course.cno
and sname='陈红'
select cno,cname
from course
where cno in
(select teaching.cno
from teachers,teaching
where teachers.tno=teaching.tno
and tsex='男')
select cname
from course
where cno in
(select cno
from students,sc
where students.sno=sc.sno
and class='17计应1')
select sno,score
from course,sc
where course.cno=sc.cno
and cname like '%电子%'
and score<60
select class'班级',count(*)'人数'
from students,sc
where students.sno=sc.sno
and cno='0000011'
group by class
select students.sno,sname
from students,sc,course
where students.sno=sc.sno
and sc.cno=course.cno
and cname='数据库OCP考证'
select sc.cno,sno,score
from teachers,teaching,sc
where teachers.tno=teaching.tno
and teaching.cno=sc.cno
and tname='严蔚敏'
group by sc.cno,sno,score
select sname
from students
where sdept in
(select sdept
from students
where sname='陈红')
select sno,sname,class
from students
where sno not in
(select sno
from sc)
select sname
from students,sc
where students.sno=sc.sno
and (cno='0000008'
or cno='0000007')
group by students.sno
having count(*)>1
select sno,score
from sc
where score>
(select avg(score)
from sc)
select sname,sdept
from Student
where sdept in
(select sdept
from Student
where sname='刘晨')
and sname!='刘晨'